What was the secret of Hanuman’s infinite strength? How could he cross the ocean by a single jump?
It is because he was a faithful votary of the Divine Name. It was the Bhakti (unflinching devotion) in him that gave him infinite strength to overcome all Rakshasas. Nothing could stand before Hanuman. He was matchless in his valour.
His strength was infinite, but then he stands in striking contrast to another personality in Ramayana, whose strength was also infinite, at whose strength all the three worlds trembled—Ravana—the person who could lift up Kailasa, who had conquered all Devas and made the god of Agni (the fire-god) his cook, the god Varuna (the water-god) water his garden, and all the Ashtadikpalas his slaves. The Navagrahas (nine-planet-gods) were steps to his throne. Such was the might of Ravana. But then what did Ravana do? This might of Ravana, this great strength which had to be subdued by no other than the Incarnation of Lord Vishnu Himself, was destroyed and spoiled by Ahankara, and also this was allied to Adharma. Egoism and Adharma completely vitiated and perverted this great power which Ravana possessed and, as a striking contrast, we have the grand personality of Hanuman towering in his height, but yet most wondrous, most beautiful, example of perfect humility and self-effacement. Always we see the picture of Hanuman with folded hands.
“Yatra Yatra Raghunatha-Kirtanam,
Tatra Tatra Kritamastakanjalim,
Marutim Namata Rakshasantakam.”
With all the strength, courage, heroism and other divine virtues, Hanuman of incomparable humility possessed a heart which was ever melting in tears of Prem and which ever cherished the attitude of servitude and humility. It is an object lesson for humanity both in its collective aspect, as nations of the world, and in its individual aspect—how they ought to subserve their entire capacities, abilities and strength to the service of the Lord, and how the strength and capacity should be characterised by utter humility. That is the great important lesson that Hanuman’s personality teaches to mankind for all times. If that is not there, we have the contrast of Ravana and we have the inevitable fall.
Hanuman’s name has been immortalised became his infinite strength was accompanied by immeasurable humility—humility as vast and deep as the ocean, and the perfect spirit of obedience and service. Hanuman is ever the servant of Rama, with folded hands and utter surrender, ever waiting for an opportunity to do some service to Lord Rama. He was a perfect devotee, a perfect servant and Sevaka, and he was a perfect spiritual aspirant for he kept his ego always in subjugation. Never do you find him raise his head, he always keeps it bent low. And therefore, Rama gave him the foremost place. When the Pattabhisheka time came, Rama placed Hanuman in front of Him. It was the reward of that perfect devotion, humility, spirit of service, absolute self-effacement and self-absorption.
Once Hanuman was questioned, “What is the day of the week today?” and “What is the star, the Tithi?” To this he replied, “I know neither the day nor the star. I know only Rama, His Name and His love.”
His life meant only the love of Rama and the result of such a love is that Rama places him ever in front of Him. That is the ultimate position occupied by him. There is no Rama without Hanuman.
He is the ideal aspirant characterised by ideal humility, perfect surrender and obedience. If you analyse the whole life of Hanuman, it is nothing but unremitting service of Lord Rama to the very end. The most important aspect of Hanuman’s personality that we should remember is Rama-Prem and his humility which made him immortal. Therefore, strength when it is allied to devotion to God and worship of God becomes fruitful in immortal glory, becomes fruitful in eternal union with the Lord. The highest that man can achieve comes to him who allies all his faculties of body and mind with virtue, devotion, humility, the spirit of service, and absolute surrender. To be ever absorbed in the repetition of the Name of the Lord and to be ever absorbed in the service of the Lord—this is the shining ideal of devotion that the grand personality of Hanuman presents before humanity for all time. Such is the glory of his personality and such is the importance of this ideal personality to us, spiritual aspirants as well as to all human beings in this world—to ally strength with Dharma and thus to attain the divine realisation of eternal oneness with the Lord.
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// Om Shri Hanumate Namah: //
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