1) Why do we light a lamp?
A) Lamp gives light and drives away darkness, like that we are praying to God to drive away the darkness present in us and light the spiritual light in us i. e spiritual enlightens.
2) Why do we have a prayer room?
A) Keeping a separate room for prayer where we do only prayer so that to develop concentration and mental satisfaction with out distracting by the worldly matters.
3) Why do we do namaste?
A) None is inferior in this world. All are equal. In spiritual they say all are god, it means we must respect our fellow beings. so it is respecting our fellow beings so that a person won't develop ego.
4) Why do we prostrate before parents & elders?
A) What ever are how much we develop in life, to be in that position this body is given by our parents. because them where in this world. so treating them as God who created us and we prostrate before them. Eldersareborn before us, seeing in a view as they are knowledgeable person and experienced person than us we prostrate before them.
5 why do we marks(tilak,bottu) on the forehead?
A) They are 7 chakras in our body according to Indian medicine. 1 1/2 deep in to our forehead there is a 6th chakra called aaghnya. in olden days the tilak are made by different components, so by keeping those tilak mind and glands present in that region are maintained nicely and healthy, by that healthy mind one can become knowledgeable and also it controls all other chakras also.
6) Why do we not touch papers, books & people with the feet?
A) In scientific view reg. books and papers if we touch them with feet and after with hands it causes infection to us because feet is filthy area and also not to develop reckless towards anything or towards anyone. To get that shraddha towards everyone and everything it is looked as sacred and god because we believe that god has created all.
7) To touch another with the feet is considered an act of misdemeanor. Why is this so?
A) Not to develop egoism and to develop well manners we consider all are equal. so to implement it in practical we consider God is there everywhere and in everything It is respecting others.
8) Why do we apply holy ash?
A) Holy ash is made by different components. so it is good for healthy mind, so it is applied on forehead to we healthy mind. Because according to Indian medicine 11/2 deep in to forehead region there is 6th chakra which maintains mind and glands and controls all other chakras also.
9) why do we offer food to the lord before eating it?
A) we work hard and get the food feel that we are everything and great because we are independent, so not to get it in to head and develop egoism, we believe that God is the doer n we are instruments in his hands. he has given us everything so we are giving to him what he has given to us and praying him to bless us and get the food like this in future also.

10) Why do we fast?
A) Scientifically to purify our digestive system. Another view is that checking how self-control we on us. Spiritually fast in the name of god i. e we can sacrifice are not i. e detaching ourselves from this wordly tempthations by controlling our tongue from tasting different tastes. (by taking variety of food).
11) why do we do pradikshina?
A) theyaretwo. we do self pradikshina and another we do pradikshina around an idol. wedanta says we are aham brahmasmi, im god, we believe that each is divine,so we do pradikshina to our self. When we see god in an idol we worship it and do pradikshina around it.
12) why is pradikshina done only in a clock wise manner?
A) v prefer right hand to eat food and also right hand is used for doing sacred things. we use right hand mostly. so it is belief that it is good if turn from right to left so we do it in clockwise manner.
13) why do we regard trees & plants as sacred?
A) v water the plantsarenot it grows and every part of it is useful to us in many ways to us. so we do it anything to it are not it is selflessly useful to us. so we believe in everything god is there,so we consider them as sacred.
14) why do we ring the bell in a temple?
A) in hindu mythology it is believed them different gods lives in diff lokas. so they are wery far from earth. it is an indication to god thatyourdevotee came. it's just drawing god's attention towards us.
15) why do we worship kalasha?
A) According to Hinduism the world is maintained by three main gods. they called as sruchti,stithi,laya karulu. brahma creates the world, vishnu maintains it and shiva destroys it. so whatever pooja are sacred things we do, we do in the name of the three. kalasha=container. it shape is compared to our life cycle symbolically. it has base i. e birth(brahma),it becomes broadened in the middle that is life(vishnu) and becomes narrow at the tip i. e death(shiva). so we are praying the three in one idol i. e kalasha.
16) why do we consider the lotus as special?
A) lotus will be in mud water. mud will be there beneath the flo we are but the lotus will be clean and the mud won't be to it. so in spiritual view eventhough we live in this world, the worldly matters should not we any influence on us and we must be spiritually enlightened.
17) why do we worship tulasi?
A) our scientist called dhanvantari considered as God wrote about the medicine. in that tulasi is used for medicines to cure diseases. it is favorite of lord vishn you,he we are on his neck. because vishnu is the lord of maintaining life according to hinduism. tulasi is antiseptic, antiviral, anti-bacterial. it as many medicinal fallows so it is considered as gift given by god to save our lives. so it is considered as sacred and worshiped.

18) why do we blow the couch?
A) different customs has different meaning. one is by doing pooja and yagna all those sacred things that they not only give mental satisfaction but also good for health scientifically. by blowin couch it increases one's lung capacity.
19) why do we say shanti thrice?
A) as i said before according to Hinduism human life is maintained by three main gods. brahma(gives birth),vishnu(maintains life),shiva(death). so whatever pooja are sacred thing we do,v do in the name of god. so shanti mantra is said thrice in the name of three gods.
20) why do we offer a coconut?
A) coconut is hard at outside and has s we et water inside. like our spiritual is covered by our egoism. so how hard it may be one should break his egoism and enjoy the sweetness of humanity in them by spiritual enlightens.
21) Why do we chant om?
A) By praying one get mental satisfaction. Mind becomes calm negate calmness and enjoy the peacefulness within us. And scientifically the word om is pronounced in such a way that there is movement from umbilicus to the mouth. by this the impure air with in us is sent out and fresh air is taken in. it is good for health.
22) why do we do aarti?
A) after pooja is done aarti is given are simple aarti is given, it means by praying to you, what all knowledge we got is due to you, have enlightened our souls. That is dedicated to you. Hinduism is way of life to realize one self. Rituals are given by enlightened souls what are to be following we do to lead a discipline, proper life so that we get spiritual enlightens.
I answered out of my best knowledge if any wrong is there please ignore it and give the right one. I think I tried my best to make some thing clear. I think it helps. Thanks.
Nice answers you have given, keeping the essence of what SV said.
those r nice explainations..
everything is right but somthg i would like to add when u said y do we do tilak?
well according to our scriptures(vedas) the tilak is the symbol(pratik) to worship our knowldge. we belive that god of knowledge resides there, n thtz y we do worship by doing the tilak or chandlo. i just have the essence of this answer..but as soon as i find out in detail i'll try to out it up. wht u said is also absolutely correct
why do we fast? i really liked ur answer about the digestion system..i've never thought of tht. i would like to add more...
back thn, rushis used to go to house to house to meet people (divine brithers and sisters as they r son of God- we have a relationship of bloodmaker) so they were so into it that sometimes they even forgot to eat cuz they thought meeting sons n daughthers of god were everything. so i guess we do fast nw, the reason behind should be tht, bu nw there has been lots of misconceptions n we r just following it blindly without knowing the actual reasons. i mean i feel like tht..
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