Sunday, December 10, 2006

Three Things........... !

Three things in life once gone never come back.
1. Words. 2. Opportunity. 3. Time.

Three things in life are never sure.
1. Dreams. 2. Success. 3. Fortune.

Three things in life that make you a great person.
1. Hard work. 2. Sincerity. 3. Success.

Three things in life are most valuable.
1. Love. 2. Self respect. 3. Friends.

Three things in life must not be lost.
1. Peace. 2. Hope. 3. Honesty.

Three things in life that destroy a person.
1. Greed. 2. Pride. 3. Anger.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

In Ramacharitramans Lord Rama tells Laksmana that it is anger, greed and lust are the gateways to hell. They delude the soul and take him away from the Lord. They are the cause of his destruction